Saturday, November 16, 2024

Tenth anniversary musings

 Tenth anniversary musings

… And so today I complete 10 years of exiting my career and sole means of livelihood and maybe to others what may seem as the only identity that a person bears.

I have tried to write something about my life into self-imposed retirement, almost on every anniversary, but nothing ever made any sense; and that may have been it is a point in life, which maybe , has no bearing to anyone else.

…And why should it be?

A person is born as a piece of statistics every second and is only important to his mother or his immediate family. Slowly as he keeps growing he keeps finding out that he’s actually of no importance to others and his life actually makes no difference to this vast World.

Like every other human being, capable of doing something… he keeps doing something for himself to grow his small feathers which can make him capable of flying in this world. The process keeps on till he further gives birth to another human being and imposes his will on that entity by giving his selected name, religion, nationality, and further subdivisions that Society can recognize him with.

Very soon with the passage of time he finds that his agile body does not remains so anymore and his spine, which could at one time help him stand in the face of this world … now starts getting a little bent, but not flexible.

This inflexibility does not remain restricted to his body, but becomes a part of his beliefs and psyche, and it refuses to change but expects that everyone should adjust to his ways of thinking… how comical is that?

As a male and probably some female too, all that remains of its identity and entity is the profession that he has been known with. Even in the modern world, he is no different than the other menial task carriers of century old underprivileged people who were known by the profession that they carried out . Just like people were known with the surname of leather workers or pottery workers or jewelers, etc. even in the higher economic group their only identity was that of engineer, Dr , chartered, accountant, politician, etc..

He never tried to show to this world, his other facet of his personality, which actually make up one’s character.

It is this conventional image that I wished to shake up and shake off. Having taken up the profession of an engineer, rather very reluctantly I did feel very proud of it as long as I practiced it because it helped me keep my brain working and the fire in the hearth burning.

However , all through my career and life I was very sure that I had to only work as much as it could provide the means to sustain my future life and no more.

Even in my childhood, I could see thousands and thousands of people getting up in the morning and rush into the jobs coming back in the evening and at the end or beginning of the month getting some paltry money which just about kept them alive. Of course, this was not applicable to those who did the conventional jobs which could sustain the society, but even to those of the creative and artistic Creed, like writers, poets, musicians, singers, actors, etc. Almost everyone had very sporadic bursts of financial means which somehow could not sustain him or his family for life and do some good manage to keep their head above water. Most of them died in abject penury and tuberculosis.

I knew I had to change this. I also knew that I had to change it not only for myself, but those who worked with me and those worked like me and around me. 

What I did and I am doing in that direction is known many and there is absolutely no need of going into that but I did realize one thing that be it artistic independence or search of spirituality it did not come to a hungry stomach and it was absolutely no romance in being poor.

Certainly , having too much of financial muscle and too much affluence did make one arrogant insensitive, and disconnected from the society but it also goes without saying that the absence of financial means made one weaker.

Now 10 years into that unknown world of getting up on the morning of 17th November, and not being answerable to anyone was quite a heady feeling and certainly not scary.

My career at see certainly did allow me to feel arrogant and humble (at the same time ) Apna about two things.

Firstly, that once we were outside the port limits of any country, we were beyond the laws and rules of any entity and any political power of this world . Your survival at sea was not dependent upon the political laws laid down by any constitution, but by your own good behavior amongst your comrades and colleagues. There were many who flouted this cardinal rule and ended up at the bottom of the sea.

Second aspect that I realized almost in the first week at sea was that we are almost like paper boats in the hands of the five elements that we saw around us. When I used to read the news about countries and individuals fighting against each other I used to and still do feel pity and compassion at them and their small thinking. Nobody even realizes that they are nothing but small specs , lesser than the dust, in the hands of nature and it takes less time to extinguish them than the flame of burning candle.

However, the morning of 16th November, when I disembarked last time from my last vessel at Amsterdam I was certainly emotional, but very determined and upbeat about my future life and was telling almost everyone from the boat driver to the immigration that it was the last time that they saw me as a sailor.The past decade has mercifully seen me putting on so many caps and masks and trying out every activity that could satisfy various urges of my physical and mental existence on this planet. I succeeded with all of them to varying degrees because when you have set your own goals, you can never fail. 

A Sailor’s career prepares himself for one thing and that is immense faith  in himself. When at sea he knows one thing that except the five elements and his interaction with them , there is nothing and nobody who can come to his Assistance and Rescue. A similar parallel could not be extended to his personal and family life. it was this that I wanted to work on.

At the end of these 10 years of retired life, I have moderately succeeded up  in bringing independence to the financial life of a sailor and make him strong enough to stand on his own without the support of any government or his employer or society.

I have absorbed in a few cases that where a mariner has financial independence, he could still be troubled with various mental phobia and agony because of low self esteem. I am working on this by creating various interactive groups, specially for people who are in the age group where they have to prepare to quit sea .

Members of my brethren did not see me as a person teaching the tenants of financial independence to them, but give me the rare privilege of looking into their most intimate and private life, and help them with various traumas that they were facing .

All this did make me more tender and receptive, but it certainly did not slow down the process of my aging . The physical activity through regular regimen could not still keep the same level of agility as it was on board. Within a short time, I developed various issues because of long driving that I enjoyed and extended period of sitting in meditation..

Now, when I look at the decaying body in the mirror it does not sadden me because I feel that I have gone beyond the body by utilizing every day and every moment to live; and living or enjoying not in the conventional or hedonistic way, but beyond that by utilizing every unit of time and every cell of the body for others. 

My practice of the Vipassana oriented meditation taught me objectivity and not torturous methods of organized faiths.

And know when I looked towards the seventh decade of my physical existence, I wish to do it without any significant change or variation without any grandiose plans .

I do not wish to change the world. I do not wish to make it a better place to Live. Because I know, and I realize that it will change as itwishes to do.

I want no remembrances of it, and I do not wish the world to remember me either .

I do not wish to be known as a person who made any mark in this world or leave any indelible signs. 

I know better than that than to expect all this.

A person on this planet is only capable of just being there How important he may seem to himself he will be forgotten, almost as soon as he exits.

So all that one should aspire for is discovering peaceful way of going into the deep slumber from which no one rises again. If it can be done painlessly, he has succeeded if not, then he should Try better in the next world.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Children and their Foundations

 Today’s ET Wealth had an article about teaching equity investment to teenagers, and there was a case study shown of a 16-year-old who had been using the trading account of his father.
For the first time I felt cheated that such a great publication can actually misguide the youngsters
Instead of actually teaching children about the basic concepts of economics and how it helps to build up national and personal wealth, the publishing articles which will actually detrack and distract the youngsters.
As it is a large number of youngsters have lost phenomenal wealth by doing trading after the lockdown because they got into the habit of it during the Covid lockdown.
Now by doing this, they are targeting the younger age group, which should actually be learning about fundamental subjects to build a great edifice of their life on it.
Or simply teach the children how an individual or a company or any organized entity helps in building the nation that should be good enough .
Simply teaching those children the basics of Bank and banking should also be good enough .
What we need to teach children is that our WANTS are unlimited, but MEANS are always limited .
What we need to teach children is that they have choices to make, and what other factors which can help them in making those choices .
Please do not get swayed by such articles and misguide your children. There are so many things that your children need to learn along with their sciences and other aspects of life.
Please do not be shortsighted by teaching them about simply trying to make money by the stock market instead of concentrating on their profession .
Even I am of the opinion that finance as a subject should be taught in schools, but that does not mean that we start teaching children how to play with fire when it is hardly required .
Please be careful.