Saturday, October 19, 2019

Seafarers and Mental health

 Seafarers and Mental health

One of the key reasons which persuaded me to summarily give up my sailling career and venture out for some social service was the untimely death of three of my friends which included a batchmate due to to some or the other reasons related to mental health. All three deaths happened in a week’s time and due to natural causes.
As providence would have it I got associated with some social causes which helped me  look deep into to the human psyche and minds around me.
In neighbours I have seen 3 suicides in the last two years and some brain related problems in some seafarers.
The latest case that we all heard about Captain Khanna suffering from a unique syndrome is the latest in the series.
Similarly in 2005 my childhood friend contracted Julian berry syndrome which is sort of short circuiting of the nerves due to breakdown of the myelin sheath which acts as insulation otherwise.
I regularly offer my services at the Vipassana meditation centre and on the day of the  start of the course I regularly come across more than 15 to 20% of the participants suffering from some sort of mental disorder or addiction. This percentage is absolutely in line with what the UN has just declared as a percentage of Indians  who will suffer from issues of mental health by next year that is 2020.
The purpose of such a devastating introduction is that there are more number of people suffering from some sort of mental issues then they care to acknowledge. However due to a natural defensive nature in accepting such diagnosis very few people actually go for professional help.
We fail to realise that just like physical ailments,  the mental ailments could also be very very temporary but they have to be given the professional help as in the case of physical disorders.
Seafarers and mental health:
Usually it is a tendency for the Marine professionals to think that because of staying in relative  trouble-free environment ,fresh air and open sea they do not suffer from or cannot suffer from any mental stress and hence the question of any disorder cannot arise.
My wife had started a  marriage counselling service alongwith some social scientists and a psychiatrist more than a decade ago .
In the five year of its existence they interacted with almost 1470 couples who were undergoing marital stress. In most of the cases the reason was more of individual stress environment for the people and this included a sizeable number of seafarers as well.

Possible cause of stress to a Seafarer irrespective of his age or social status or professional rank:

1.      Extended stay away from home and familiar environment.

2.      Hectic deadlines both at sea and while a shore.

3.      Lack of sleep: this unfortunately is one of the biggest reasons of stress and depression in the seafarers. I remember in my junior time I used to treat almost everybody on board for insomnia. Bye I know everybody has read enough of it and knows that more than 2-3 days of lack of sleep can cause a temporary  breakdown in the mental status of a person. Release of cortisol the stress hormone increases and the secretion of insulin reduces. We all know what the state of mind is when we leave a port after hectic discharge operation, MOC inspection and superintendent's visit in the same port.

4.      Anxiety regarding one's future:

5.      Anxiety regarding one's finances:

6.      Anxiety regarding one's family:

7.      Anxiety regarding once interpersonal relations with the spouse: While the above three causes are self explanatory ,this in fact has been the most recurring of the reasons that I have found amongst the colleagues right from my first day at sea.
Nowadays I get more phone calls regarding this matter rather than even financial planning matters.
It is the general tendency for both the spouses to think that the other person is not being understanding. Which actually is the case because neither does the wife understand the physical and mental pressures while the spouse is at sea and neither does the sailor understand what the wife goes through every morning from the time that she gets up to the time that she goes to sleep at night.
The insecurities of shore life and the pressures from the peers and relatives cause a permanent twist in the nature and character of the wife.
So this is certainly not something that needs to be wished away.

Personally for me, I find that even the people around me who passed away due to some physical issue had the reason deeply entrenched in ones brain.
I remember a very funny incident that we had in school . Whenever we used  to make excuses for not going to school by saying that we are having a stomach ache, by noon at least I would get proper stomach ache. So strong was the working of the mind even at young age that just imagination could bring about a temporary situation in the body.

So what can we do to alleviate or handle it before we reach such a situation.

The few things that I have found out on my own but specifically by asking the expert around me:
1.      Relax: after coming home on leave and after a few days,  plan a vacation with your family . It doesn't matter even if you need to take few days of vacation for the children from school. Seafarer's children learn more while they travel than they do at school. This is my personal experience.
1.      Why on boar,d also try to to give up your mobiles and laptops for a period and just lie down .
2.      Exercise physically: this I need not teach the youngsters today because they are very active . But let not your exercise schedule become into a exercise syndrome which causes stress on the body and the mind.
3.      Exercise mentally by reading different kind of literature, playing different kind of brain games, learning new language from your onboard colleagues and designing quiz for the ship staff.
4.      Listen to good music: it has been found that the memory related to  music is deeply and permanently etched in the brain and remains even with the Alzheimer patients. This I have seen in a friends case.
5.      Meditate: this is the most important part and one must adopt it in one's daily routine. I would go as for as saying that if you adopt meditation in your daily routine you will be able to to overcome any challenge even if you do not do any of the above four things.
There are many kinds of meditations going on around us but please do not confuse this with Pranayam.
I have personally being doing Vipassana meditation for a decade now. But the true testimony to this is provided by the famous author of Sapiens and Homo Deus ,Yuval Noah Hariri . An Israeli national, he is not only a practitioner of Vipassana but also a teacher and visits India every year for 2 months to refresh his practice.
In India we have over 94 residential centres catering to at least one in each state. We are lucky to have one in Dehradun itself which is about to complete its 25 years.
Almost every fortnight when a 10 day course starts we have few patients of mental condition with various diagnosis of bipolar-ism, Schizophrenia, depression etc.
But mostly we get healthy meditators quite a few of them very young.
The feedback from most of these meditators indicates that after doing the course and regular daily practice they find themselves to be much sharper with the high level of concentration and the ability to take quick and logical decisions in times of crisis.
I am sure you will find all these qualities to be necessary at sea and also in your personal and family lives.
The basic and minimum course is of 10 days and gets over on the 11th day early morning. The boarding and lodging during the course is absolutely free as each course is financed by the donations of the previous meditators who have benefited from such courses.
The course is absolutely non-sectarian and devoid of any prayers, chantings, rituals and worships .
Apart from this I call upon you as fully aware and conscious colleagues to look around in the ship to see the condition of each and every of your shipmates. The empathy that you will gain by this exercise will help you when you come home to your family.

May all of you be blessed and Happy.