What is the idea of wishing each other Republic day if we
don’t even know the importance of every year.
If we don’t even know how far away or how close to
historical destination we are.
Very few of my countrymen recognise that in the last 3 years
they have passed so close to what would have been civil war in any country.
The discontent with the establishment did not result in any
leader being slain, it has resulted in the country rallying their support
behind to simple 2 ordinary men. The third movement even a larger one in
support of a girl whose name they never knew. Brave people of the republic –
braved the chill and cold water cannons at the hands of their own country
police . For this even the police must be lauded who have learnt to do their
job- however despicable it may be. In any other country like the members of the
ARAB SPRING – the police may have very much killed the leaders.
We have to congratulate the republic where the ordinary
people have forced the government to set up a law reform committee- First Time
in the History of the Republic.
We have to congratulate the republic where the Chief Justice
has the courage to rebuke it’s prime minister and lament that he was not able
to participate in the anti rape protests at india Gate.
We have to congratulate the republic where a retired Chief
Justice can rebuke the government for its’s inaction.
...WHERE the law reccomendations are based on the input of
90000 ordinary Indians.
…WHERE the government brings out a law on RTI which in
effect creates heroes out of ordinary people.
…WHERE an ordinary citizen can stand up with few supporters
and bring down the greatest of politicians.
Indians and countrymen lend me your ears for I come here to
commemorate the republic and it’s predecessors and not bury it.
What Gandhi stood for 70 years back- is still there and you
can feel it inside you.
It is here that power
can pass through the hands of the mightiest without a drop of blood.
Celebrate that.
Celebrate your maturity which has happened on the back of
150 years of independence struggle and not 600 years of slavery.
When you can fee lit inside you- get up and wish others-