"Modesty...." I read somewhere has something wierd about it . "...You've lost it the moment you think you have it.
What a bigger narcissist - than a person writing his autobiography.
Simply put, why would someone in the present trying and testing times when the day only has 24 hours (compared to earlier.. when it had "24" hours)- be interested in reading about someone else.
Unless there is some quick fix therapy forsome long lasting and almost universal.
I was definitely in a fix myself to name the blog .
It doesn't really matter you can mentally name it something else- as long as you bookmark the site and the page.
There is surely nothing wrong with the world that I find that I have set out to rectify.
...yes there have been a lot of observations and issues that I faced even with the perfectly comfortable life that I have led so far- that led me to discover the solutions .
In the simple pursuit of finding perfectly logical solutions to the perfectly natural problems - I found that it is not sufficient for a person to be `become` just ONE thing.
I found that in our quest to become a specialist of one thing we lose the focus on larger part of life.
It is something like 5 blind men finding theselves at either end of the proverbial elephant...
Right from my childhood I was in the habit of finding some ideals in form of public figures.
It used to get quite frustrating to see today's hero being pulled down from the pedestal within a few months or years. For a growing up "Gen last" it can be quite a confusing affair.
Then "THE SEA" happened to me and I found that the problems have a far more human face and basic nature.The feelings and reactions can be quite raw.
It wasn't the famous sailor with the rum bottle and few nymphets slung on the arm.
There were real people having a sickness, fever, injury, dislocated joint, angry wife or children at home, frustrated parents and financial distress that was occupying the forefront.
I realised that it was not sufficient to leave a "sleeping Rahul and Yashodhara" behind in order to find a solution to the sufferings of the world.
Hence I have set out my sails trying to find cures for everyday maladies right from Migraine to bad mood and physical disability to financial freedom.
I feel that a person must be trained thruout life in order to be able to stave off various distractions of daily life- in order for him to concentrate on the purose of his life.
That for me is "HOLICISM"